
The ninja returns unmasked. Betrayed by his own clan, the Lin Kuei, he broke sacred codes of honor by leaving his clan and is marked for death. But unlike the ninja of old his pursuers come as machines. He must not only defend from the Outworld menace, but he must also elude his soulless assassins.
Freeze D-F-LP
Ice Shower D-F-HP
Front Ice Shower D-F-B-HP
Back Ice Shower D-B-F-HP
Ice Statue D-B-LP
Slide B+LP+BL+LK
Fatality BL-BL-R-BL-R (close)
Fatality B-B-D-B-R (outside of sweep)
Animality F-U-U (close)
Friendship LK-R-R-U
Babality D-B-B-HK
Stage B-D-F-F-HK
Standard Combo HP-HP-LK-HK-B+HK
More combos

Sub-Zero finds himself hunted not only by the two cyber-ninjas, but a third, his old ally Smoke, who has been automated. Sub-Zero defeats Kahn, and he destroys the cyber-ninjas except for the third. Smoke was a friend of Sub-Zero in his Lin Kuei days, so Sub-Zero helps him discover his true identity. After Smoke rediscovered himself, Sub-Zero gives Smoke his soul back and returns him to human form. Sub-Zero then returns to the shadows, his legacy known by a select few.


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